Gazeta Médica da Bahia, No 1 (143)

Tamanho da fonte:  Menor  Médio  Maior


Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva


Bothrops leucurus has a large distribution in the Brazilian coast, from the State of Maranhão until Espírito Santo, where it occurs in a variety of forested and anthropogenic habitats. It may be found in humid, sub-humid, dry and semi-arid environments. It is terrestrial and medium-sized (250-1840mm). Preys are mostly rodents for adult snakes and frogs/lizards for juveniles, indicating an ontogenetic shift in diet. Data about the reproductive biology showed that B. leucurus is a viviparous species, pregnancy (four months) and birth occurs during the winter and summer seasons, respectively and litter medium size is 19 young. Its venom is characterized by a high fibrinolytic, proteolytic, hemorrhagic and edematogenic activity and a low coagulant activity and it has an important capacity for getting myonecrosis. The B. leucurus’ poison has a capacity of inhibiting the neuromuscular transmission in an irreversible and dose-dependent way, because of its post-junction actions, and in low concentrations it has a presynaptic action. This snake is responsible for most of the ophidic accidents in Bahia, Brazil. The envenomation is characterized by local (pain, edema, erythema and ecchymosis), hemorrhagic, coagulation, digestive (vomit, nausea) and urinary (oliguria, anuria, haematuria) symptoms, besides headache, dizziness, hypotension, bradycardia, clouded vision and trembling.
Key words: Bothrops leucurus. Natural History. Venom. Envenomation. Snakes.

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